A transcript is a certified record (inventory) of a student throughout a course of study having full enrollment history including all courses (or subjects) attempted, grades earned and degrees and awards conferred.

If you attended CCAC prior to 1975

You can still place the order online, but your transcript will be available in paper format only and may take up to five working days for processing.
Do not submit requests for electronic and/or Express Mail delivery.

Before you begin

If you are submitting the request before the end of the term and grades are posted, choose the option "Hold for Degree" in step 11.


  1. From a web browser, go to https://tsorder.studentclearinghouse.org/
  2. Enter Community College of Allegheny County in the "Enter the school you want to request..." field
  3. Click the Continue button
  4. Click Order Transcripts button
  5. Enter your Personal Information and Student Identification Information
  6. Click the Continue button
  7. Enter your Contact information 
  8. Click the Continue button
  9. Choose where will sent the official transcript
    NOTE: Selected was College or University and the following screenshots will continue from there
    NOTE: If the college is not listed, choose the option “Not in List” then you will be able to type the college's information.
  10. Click the Continue button
  11. Choose when to Process this transcript request
    1. Current Transcript - Process As Is - Your current classes and grades are not on this transcript 
    2. After the Degree is Awarded - After you graduate and your credits are confirmed by the college
  12. Click the Continue button
  13. Click the Checkout button



Contact Information

If your request for eTranscripts isn't satisfied within three business days, please contact CCAC Registrar's Office at 412.237.3074.

If you are having problems or need support with the National Clearinghouse website, please go to National Student Clearinghouse Help for Students (studentclearinghouse.org) 
