Welcome to CCAC!
As a new student, you may need to take several placement tests before you register for classes.
These tests are not an entrance exam. They simply help you choose the right classes so you can succeed in college.
There are three placement tests: √ English Questionnaire √ Reading Test √ Math Test
These tests are offered online, so you can take them anytime, anywhere.
There's no deadline - but the sooner you complete your tests, the sooner can register for classes.
Not all CCAC students are required to take all placement tests. If your high school or college transcript indicates certain grades, or you've already taken exams like the SAT or ACT, you may be exempt from CCAC's placement testing. See the other side for more information.
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High School Transcript To be eligible, high school transcripts must include grades from the first half of the senior year or show graduation within five years of the date on the transcript. International and homeschool documentation does not qualify for exemptions. | |
If you have… An unweighted cumulative (overall) GPA of 2.7 or higher (For schools that do not have an unweighted GPA, the weighted GPA will be used.) |
Then… You're exempt from taking the English and Reading placement tests. |
An 80% or higher (at a school with a percentile grading system) |
SAT or ACT Test Scores | |
If you have… An SAT Evidence-Based Reading and Writing test score of 510 or higher An ACT Verbal Test score of 21 or higher |
Then… You're exempt from taking the English and Reading placement tests. |
An SAT Math test score of 550 or higher An ACT Math test score of 21 or higher. |
You're exempt from taking developmental math courses. However, you must complete the Math placement test if you intend to take a course above the MAT 108 - Intermediate Algebra level. |
GED Language Arts Test | |
If you have… A GED Language Arts test score of 165 or higher within the last 5 years. |
Then… You're exempt from taking the English and Reading placement tests. |
TOEFL or IELTS Exams | |
If you have… Taken the TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) or IELTS (International English Language Testing System) exams in the last year. |
Then… You may submit these scores for exemption or placement into English as an Academic Language (EAL) courses. |
College Transcript | |
If you have… A college degree |
Then… You are exempt from taking all placement tests. |
Completed a college-level English and/or math course with a grade of “C” or better | You are exempt from taking the corresponding placement test(s). |
Enrolled in a CCAC program that has no English and/or math requirements |