

There are a few different ways to start or join a Zoom meeting from a Zoom room however, if you would like to have the ability to record your meeting from the room, you will need to schedule your meeting ahead of time. For detailed instructions on how the process works please click here.

If you do not schedule your meeting in advance, you will not have access to the recording function.

  1. Press Start on the Extron Touch Panel to turn the system on
  2. Select the Zoom Room icon
  3. Switch to the iPad controller (for all Zoom meeting functions)
  4. Wake the iPad by pressing the Home button
  5. Launch the Zoom App
  6. Locate your meeting on the home screen and press Start
  7. Select the Recording button
  8. When the meeting has concluded, select Stop Recording
  9. Select Stop to confirm
  10. You will receive an email with a link to down lood the recording (Host only) and a link for sharing (viewing only)


After the meeting has ended, you will receive an email with a link that is for hosts only, allowing you to down load the recording. The email will also contain a link that you can copy and share with others. The recording falls into the normal Zoom Cloud recording retention policy so it is recommended that you down load the recording if it will be needed in the future.