Opening and Starting to use EasiNote

  • Locate EasiNote in the Programs list
    • It may be called "Note"
  • Locate the icon on the desktop

Drawing on the board

  1. From within EasiNote
  2. Tap the Pencil Icon1621272017138-1621272017138.png
  3. Tap the Pencil Icon again to display settings
    1. Change the drawing type1621272029987-1621272029987.png
    2. Change the size1621272039732-1621272039732.png
    3. Change the color1621272049204-1621272049204.png
  4. Begin drawing on the screen1621272313605-ezgif-3-d6c68a75e9fa.gif

Erasing the Drawing

  1. From within EasiNote
  2. Tap the Eraser Icon
  3. Begin to erase where you need to erase

Using the Discipline specific tools

Discipline Specific Tools you can find

  • Grid Paper
  • Lined Paper
  • On/Off Switch
  • Compass
  • Protractor
  • Ruler
  • and more!!
  1. From within EasiNote
  2. Tap the Treasure Box icon
  3. Choose the Subject or Disciple to see the options

Adjusting the Canvas size

  1. From within EasiNote
  2. Tap the Hand Icon
  3. Choose to Zoom or Move the canvas
    1. To Zoom:
      1. Pinch In to Zoom In
      2. Pinch Out to Zoom Out
    2. To Move Around:
      1. Tap the screen and drag your hand to move the canvas