- From the CCAC web page, click on Admissions, click Apply
- Click High School Dual Enrollment Student
- Click Enrollment Steps
- Click Step 1: Admissions Application
- Click complete the admissions application link
- A Discover account will need to be created. Fill out all the required fields indicated by a *. When applying for the BNY Early College Program, it is necessary to fill out the enrollment information correctly.
- You must select the term you anticipate enrolling
- Area of Interest must be Still in High School - interested in Dual Enrollment
- Academic Program must be Current High School Student
- Are you an Allegheny County resident? Must be Yes
- Are you interested in the Early College High School Program? Must be Yes
- Select which Early College program you are interested in
- Select the Location
Select your Status
The email address entered here will become your sign-in information, and you will create a password. Those are what you use to sign in when filling out an application
You will receive a CCAC email at the email address you entered to activate your account. Once the account is activated, Sign In
On the Application Listing page, click the blue Dual Enrollment Application
If the Create Account page was properly filled out, after clicking on the blue Dual Enrollment Application, the screen should look like the following. Click the button Click here to complete the application selected above
The Academic Plans will be pulled in and look like the following:
- Continue through the application, filling in all the required information and clicking Save & Continue at the bottom of the page
- At the Signature & Submission page, finish filling out the page, click Submit Application