Overall Process:
For the CCAC Hiring Administrator/Sponsor: Please only click the link with the intent to complete the Internet Acknowledgment Form as the college incurs a cost when the link is clicked.
This form is to collect demographic information from the CCAC Partner, obtain approval from the associated CCAC President’s Cabinet/Leadership Council member.
Below are the current approvers for each department/functional area:
- Academic Affairs - Steve Wells and Irma Hunt
- Assessment, Institutional Effectiveness & Research – Beenah Moshay and Sydney Fulton
- Enrollment Services & Student Affairs – Mary Lou Kennedy, Dorothy Collins and Tiffany Evans
- Facilities – Noel Knille and Kathy Vietmeier
- Finance – Connie Dyer and Cathy Jacobs
- Foundation – Jamie McMahon and Jodi Beemer
- Information Technology Services – Chuck Graham and Megan Rice
- Legal & Office of Human Resources – Tony DiTommaso and Don Kaminski
- Marketing & Public Relations – Elizabeth Johnston and Dena Buzila
- Office of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion – Ketwana Schoos and Alyssa Pietropaolo
- President’s Office – Bonita Richardson and Heather Cox
- Safety & Security - Brian Johnson and Allison Madden
- Workforce Development & Community Ed – Deb Roach and Jeannine Neuschwander
Initiating the CCAC Partner Agreement Request Process
- The CCAC Hiring Administrator/Sponsor will initiate the process by completing the CCAC Partner Access Agreement
- The CCAC Hiring Administrator/Sponsor will enter their name and email address in the CCAC Hiring Administrator/Sponsor section
- The Hiring Administrator will enter the name and email address of the CCAC Partner (the person for whom the account is being requested) in the CCAC Partner Section
Click Begin Signing
Check the box to agree to use electronic records and signatures then click Continue to proceed
- Click Start to complete the CCAC Hiring Administrator/Sponsor section of the form
- You will be taken to the CCAC Partner Account Sponsor/Hiring Administrator section:
- Click the Sign button to sign the form and enter the requested information, which includes additional contact information, the name and Colleague ID of the vendor/organization the CCAC Partner is affiliated with, department affiliation, and other details
- Click the Sign button to sign the form and enter the requested information, which includes additional contact information, the name and Colleague ID of the vendor/organization the CCAC Partner is affiliated with, department affiliation, and other details
- After all required fields are filled out, click Finish. This completes the process for the CCAC Hiring Administrator/Sponsor
Next, the form will be routed to the CCAC Partner, based on the email address entered by the CCAC Hiring Administrator/Sponsor, to provide their demographic information
When the CCAC Partner opens the email – they need to click on Review Document
When the CCAC Partner opens the email – they need to click on Review Document
- When the CCAC Partner opens the email they will need to check the box to agree to use electronic records and signatures, click Continue, and then click Start to proceed with completing the form
- The CCAC Partner will be expected to provide their home address, primary and emergency phone number, birthdate and last 4 digits of the SSN for validation. They must also confirm if they have any prior affiliation with CCAC such as being a former student or instructor, and sign
- Once complete the CCAC Partner will click Finish to complete their step
- The DocuSign form will then be routed through email to the CCAC President’s Cabinet/Leadership Council member that provides oversight for the department selected. They or their AVP/identified backup will review the form and sign if approved, clicking Finish to complete the approval process
- The form will then be routed to the Registrar’s Office so that the College Recorder can review the information and create or update, a Colleague Person record and Colleague ID for the CCAC Partner
- Once the Colleague ID is supplied, the form will be routed to the CCAC ITS ServiceDesk for a CCAC NetID and email, if requested, to be created
- A completed email will be sent to the CCAC Hiring Administrator/Sponsor so that they will be aware of the 7-digit Colleague ID number. You must click on 'View Completed Document' in the email to view the completed form and the Colleague ID number found at the bottom right of page 2
- A representative from the ITS Department will provide you with the CCAC Partner’s account information and temporary password