1.  Enter your Personal Demographic Information 

    Pre-populated information

    Some of the information contained in this section will be pre-populated based on the FSA ID you have already created. Enter any information that is left blank if it pertains to you.

  2.  Click the Next button
  3. Enter Student Email and Phone Number
    Use an EMAIL address you check and have access to OFTEN
  4.  Click the Next button
  5. Enter your Mailing Address
  6. Click the Next button
  7. Enter “Yes” or “No” to indicate if you were considered a Pennsylvania resident for at least 5 years
  8.  Select your residency status using the drop-down box
    • Yes, I am a U.S. Citizen (or U.S. National)
    • No, but I am an eligible noncitizen (Enter your Alien Registration Number)
    • No, I am not a citizen or eligible noncitizen - if you are in the U.S and have:
      • Been granted Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)
      • F1 or F2 student visa
      • J1 or J2 exchange visitor visa
      • A G series visa
      • Other categories not included under U.S citizen and eligible noncitizen
  9.  Click the Next button 
