Office Space (Extended Displays)

Extended Displays Definition/Use Case

The desktop is extended across multiple displays. Each extended display has its own unique desktop area (including screen resolution and refresh rate). This setup can be used to provide additional desktop space. 

Open Windows Display Settings



  1. Right Click on the Desktop
  2. Choose Display Settings      
  3. Locate the drop-down menu for display options - it may say “Duplicate the Displays”
  4. Click the drop-down menu
  5. Choose Extend these displays
  6. Click the Keep changes button


Rearrange Your Displays in Settings

Once you have your screens extended, you may need to rearrange them in Windows to match your monitors physical setup. Click Here for How to Rearrange Displays 


Classroom Space (Duplicated Displays)

Duplicate Displays Definition/Use Case

The desktop is duplicated (including resolution) on more than one display. This setup can be useful for running demos and presentations. 

Open Windows Display Settings



  1. Right Click on the Desktop
  2. Choose Display Settings      
  3. Locate the drop-down menu for display options - it may say “Extended Displays”
  4. Click the drop-down menu
  5. Choose Duplicate these Displays
  6. Click the Keep changes button