Need an official transcript? Need an enrollment verification for health insurers or lenders?
Myhub is a free and secure online application provided by the National Student Clearinghouse, which provides students and alumni with access to their verified education records from all colleges and universities participating in Myhub.
There are two choices for log-in:
- Have a current NetID and password? Log in here. After you log in, follow their instructions to create your account in My Hub.
- Don't have a password? Go to Myhub to create your account.

You will see Enrollment History, Degrees Earned and other Credentials for CCAC and other schools you have attended.

Don't see other schools that you have attended?
Other schools may not have deployed Myhub at this time.
My Records
When you click on Enrollment History, you will see history of attendance from all participating schools.

When you click on Degrees Earned, you will see history of degrees from all participating schools.

Self Service
Click on Self-Service to order Official Transcripts or Enrollment Certificates.

Select CCAC from the school list.
To order an Enrollment Verification/Certificate, click on the Download button.
To order an official transcript, click on Order Transcript. See instructions for Official Transcript.